Search woofreakinhoo
  • Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    by Craig Terlson

    A collection of short stories where the humour runs dark and the slipstream bubbles up.


    ...imagine if Raymond Carver called up George Saunders and Joe Lansdale, and they all went drinking with Neil Gaiman.

  • Correction Line
    Correction Line
    by Craig Terlson

    “… it's clear that Terlson is way ahead of the curve in terms of crafting an engaging premise that reaches for elevated territory and reinvents enduring archetypes of action and suspense.”  J. Schoenfelder

    "Sometimes brutal, often demanding and always complex, this novel will repay the reader who likes their assumptions challenged and is happy to walk away from a book with minor questions unanswered but the big ones definitely dealt with! It’s likely to satisfy those who enjoy Hammet and/or Philip K Dick and who like their fiction very noir indeed."   Kay Sexton


    "I love a novel that you can't put down, and this is one of them."  L. Cihlar

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Read this and become part of my platform.

Well hello and welcome - you are now part of my nefarious plan to build a platform. In olden times, the 1970's, this meant a deck, or something to put chairs and a BBQ on. But now it means building an audience of readers. Woofreakinhoo has been around for a while, and I know it gets read by the odd friend, or writing acquaintance (and I REALLY appreciate that) - but as I close in on finishing my next book, I know that there might be a chance that more people pop by.

So, I better get thinking about what I should be thinking and writing about. My finger hovers over the delete button on this whole post btw - but I will soldier on.

I don't read a lot of blogs regularly, but I do scan some from time to time. What brings me there? Process and back room stuff - for example, Joe Hill blogged about his writing process recently. This kind of info fascinates me - as do agents and editors talking about publishing. I might write a few posts about that in the future. I am also curious about what people are reading, or what movies they are buzzing about. It is not that I am looking for long detailed reviews, short snippets, where the personality of the blogger comes through are best.

And numero uno - be funny. I need to laugh daily, or even hourly. I am trudging away, wordsmithing (or illustrating) or when I am teaching, planning lectures and marking projects - so please, make me laugh.

I realize that this is kind of a circular post. I started out by saying, hey, come and be a part of my platform (I believe in direct and honest advertising). And now I am talking about how bloggers might do that.

I like when I can teach myself.

Now where is my hammer - I got some chairs and a BBQ that need placing.


The Hustler

Finished a great book over the weekend. I have seen the movie the Hustler at least a half a dozen times or more - so finally reading the novel meant that it was hard to read about the characters without picturing Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, and George, "You Owe me MONEY" C. Scott.

I knew that the movie was based on a book, but the way it appears in the credits, I was thinking, "Okay, how much did they change this?" Well, apparently not much. The ending is different, and Sarah, Fast Eddie's love interest figures less in the plot (she does not travel to Kentucky, and Bert does not get involved with her). But knowing the movie as well as I do, I understood the screenplay differences. It was one of those case where they improved on the novel - not to the point of say, Jaws, which was a terrible book, and great movie. Though, I do wonder what the writer Walter Tevis thought of the movie - I wonder if he was like, damn, why didn't I think of that.

What struck me most was how the actors picked up on the mannerisms from the novel. Minnesota Fats washing and powdering his hands in the first match with Eddie, Eddie Felson's grin, and the way the character of Bert smokes and wears thick rimmed glasses (here, Scott just jumps off the page.), and the effeminate body language of the high-society gambler in Kentucky. At times it almost seemed the movie must have come first.

Still, there are layers in the book about the "Hustles" in life - it dances close to literary pretension. But the writing is stripped down Carver or Hemingway-esque. A damn fine read, even if you don't know the different between nine ball, straight pool and billiards.


Mosquito battle

The little buggers were out big time last night. I worked my first shift at the Folk Fest, and I was hopping, as they were buzzing. I did delight in the few huge dragonflies that were chomping their way through the field - but they could only eat so much.

At least the rain held off. I came home and washed off the three required layers for a night like that: 1. Sunscreen 2. Bug Spray 3. Dirt and lots of it. The after shift shower was heavenly and never has an ice-cold Pilsner Urquell taste quite so good.

Check out my Thurs. night pick, on CBC Manitoba Scene.



Folk fest begins tonight and I start volunteering in 4 hours.

Hoping to hear Blue Rodeo from where I am working - but more hoping that the bugs will stay away.

I will post the odd update (aren't all my updates odd?) on Twitter.

Also stay tuned, as I did a pick for the CBC website.



As I mentioned recently, woofreakinhoo will be changing soon, to a new location, and a new format. Change got me thinking of, well, butterflies. Truth is, I have been working on a poster for some friends that own a bakery.

In the past few years, I have watched Monarch butterflies emerge from milkweed outside the bakery. This year, the caterpillars are out in full force - so they asked if I could do a poster using some of my photos.

In honour of all these that change, or better, those things that transform - here are a few of those shots. (The one above is from this year's crop of caterpillars.)
