Back and gone soon
Back from a fast trip to the prairies... wait, I guess I do live on the prairies. But when I think of them, it is the long stretches of field that surround my hometown in Saskabush (a term of endearment for the mother-land). It is a town, well, city actually, that has changed a lot since I grew up there. Whole neighbourhoods with spacious mansions have sprung out of the ground - houses that were bigger than anything from the time I lived there.
Still, what I like is not so much the buildings, it is what surrounds the city - those flat fields, which even snow covered tug at my nostalgic genes (truthfully, I love them better in the summer, full of wheat, swaying in a strong wind).
It was a fast trip as I had to get back and get ready for the next one. A long awaited trip to New Mexico. Everyone I have talked to, speaks of the mystical quality of this place - and it has been on my list of destinations for a long time. My first exposure to the landscape was in the art of George Herriman (Krazy Kat) - I thought what wild imagination thought up these vistas? And then I hear that's what it looks like down there.
So in my head I imagine driving into a 2 dimensional landscape in bright oranges and reds, with backgrounds of deep black. I will be looking for flying bricks. (Go check out Krazy Kat if yuo have no idea what I'm talking about.)
Oh, and Elegance of the Hedgehog - my goodness, what a book. Highly recommended if only to contemplate the singular beauty of a moment in time.