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  • Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    by Craig Terlson

    A collection of short stories where the humour runs dark and the slipstream bubbles up.


    ...imagine if Raymond Carver called up George Saunders and Joe Lansdale, and they all went drinking with Neil Gaiman.

  • Correction Line
    Correction Line
    by Craig Terlson

    “… it's clear that Terlson is way ahead of the curve in terms of crafting an engaging premise that reaches for elevated territory and reinvents enduring archetypes of action and suspense.”  J. Schoenfelder

    "Sometimes brutal, often demanding and always complex, this novel will repay the reader who likes their assumptions challenged and is happy to walk away from a book with minor questions unanswered but the big ones definitely dealt with! It’s likely to satisfy those who enjoy Hammet and/or Philip K Dick and who like their fiction very noir indeed."   Kay Sexton


    "I love a novel that you can't put down, and this is one of them."  L. Cihlar

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Hap and Leonard in the Changeroom

Okay - I am sure I haven't talked about Joe Lansdale for at least a few days. I have been wondering about a recent splurge of Lansdale reissues - mostly the early Hap and Leonard stories. His books were as sparse as the East Texas landscape he writes about; or they are damn hard to find in my city anyway.

I just got back from a visit to our local Chapters where a stack of Lansdale books were on display - and not even the mystery section! Right in the literature department, rubbing shoulders with Updike (sadly missed) and Cormac McCarthy.

The two novels featured were Mucho Mojo and Savage Season - starring my favorite characters Hap and Leonard. These guys are always hard to explain to people that haven't read them. Well, they're not really crime fighters, and they sort of solve mysteries, but not really... and they're not what you would call "good" people, but they can do some heroic things. Oh, and they're funny as hell, are great with large guns and martial arts. And... I dunno, just go read the damn books.

So I am wondering - is Lansdale, after a basket of novels, and buckets of awards, finally going to hit it big? I mean, I am sure there are places where he is big (my local mystery bookstore owner is always raving about him). But besides the store owner and my friend that introduced me to Hap and Leonard (thanks, Mark), I've never come across another fan.

Until this week at my woodsian retreat (In the swimming pool change room no less). A guy asked what I was reading and I flipped the cover of Savage Season at him, figuring he would just nod his head and grunt. "Landale! Oh man, he is the best, have you read...."

And boom - I talked to the guy for a half-hour. We swapped stories of our favorite Lansdale books, and other people who were like him (though, never as good). But it wasn't just books -  I wanted to find out about him, he wanted to know about me. We jabbered on like long lost cousins - or book dweebs, anyway.

So it turns out the reissues are because a new Hap and Leonard book (first in 8 years) is coming out. I have this feeling a lot more people are going to be reading him, and it won't be just the guys in change rooms talking about him.

Okay, that sounded weird. But somehow, Lansdalian.



In da woods

Or more accurately, amongst the pines. I am in my hidden winter fortress this week (like Superman, but without the big icicles and Marlon Brando's floating head.)

I have brought a stack of books for relaxation and inspiration - so far I have plowed through two of the relaxing ones. I plan on reading, again, Gardner's Art of Fiction. His book is still the best I have read on the art and craft of writing.

Hopefully, it will stir me on to great creations. Either that or it's back to another Lansdale novel (not a bad thing).

Hope you can find a warm fire and a nice view to plunk yourself beside. Sigh... I wonder if you can just get a job  reading books (yeah, they are called editors).


Everybody's talking... or a new kind of cowboy.

Like that Nilsson song from Midnight Cowboy, everybody's talking about yesterday's inauguration. I can't recall any other swearing in that got this amount of airplay in my country. I understand the historic significance, and even the general relief as a Dick and a Bush vamoose the White House with record low approval – though, one has to think back to Bush having one of the highest approval rating in history shortly after 9-11. One reporter said this and wondered aloud how Bush would be feeling.

Any normal folk would feel like shit, but George W. doesn't fall in that category.

I was surprised (but not by much) to hear about goodbye Bush parties that were organized around the city. Reminder: I live in Canada. How about some "lets kick Harper out on his ass" celebrations? My son came back from high school to tell me he listened to the inauguration, played on speakers in a few locations at the school. Huh? Do we do this for our leaders?

I have been generally amazed by the response this side of the border. Again, I get the significance - and I really hope Obama can live up to the hype. I respect his intelligence and what I perceive as great integrity. But, why is it that no one has mentioned that an African-Canadian (or First Nations!) person has run for high office up here? True, we did have a female prime minister (Kim Campbell) but that was for what..several days...hours?

Anyway, like the rest of us, I watch in anticipation. If anything, maybe it will mean a shift to the left that will get rid of the bozos running our country.


Late night

Here is a diner I ate at while there, it was late, I am not sure who the other guys were (that's me in the hat).


Kiss and ride on the CTA

Readers of woofreakinhoo know of my obsession with a certain band from Chicago (WILCO). Here I am on the shores of Lake Michigan, looking towards the skyline, in a Jeff Tweedyesqe pose - well, Tweedyesqe to me at any rate.

Note all the frozen white stuff. Nice to make a prairie guy feel welcome.

And I did, just like in the song, Kiss and Ride on the CTA.