Okay then...
Seriously, where does this time go? It seems, as always, I have a few too many irons in the fire – but no matter, I just need to get down to smelting, or whatever it is that blacksmiths do.
In the shout category another tale of my mine found a home at the audio mag Bound Off. No word on when it will "air" but I am excited that one of their staff will be reading and recording the piece. I here certain rhythms in my head when I write and it will be interesting to see how those translate for another reader.
The story is called "Rain Day" and I gave a preview of it a few posts back.
After a summer of festivals and road trips, bathroom renovations, and days too hot to think, I am edging back into the world of writing, drawing and hopefully a lot more reading. For some reason, this summer I got very little read. I am toiling through what I call remedial Harry Potter reading (I am only on book 5 - and it is damn long). I finished Joe Lansdale's latest and loved it, though not as much as some. Besides that there have been lots of starts to books, abandoned for a movie on AMC, or a mojito on the porch with my lovely.
But no matter, the sun is setting on summer and September approaches. For me this is actually exciting, September is always the start of things for me. Time to start the new novel, time to send off the manuscript for the collection, time to write some more stories - but still time for a few more mojitos on the porch.
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