In the distant and warmer past.
Looking back at photos from only a week ago has me missing long afternoons on the beach. It is a surreal experience to go from watching the pelicans fish and reaching for another lime for my Dos Equis, to wondering how long I can be outside before my face falls off.
February is a cruel month in this part of the country. It's the time of year where I start to feel that winter will never end, it always does, but I still feel this way. As a kid, I guess I would just knock around outside playing street hockey or find the one hill in our town to toboggan down. But as an adult, and a complete non-fan of hockey and skating, I find myself with little to do but wait, watch an old movie, read another book set in a warmer clime.
I truly understand the nature of snowbirds (Canadians that winter down south), I doubt I will ever be one, but a guy can wish.
Pass me my effing toque.
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