Things to think about.
Blogging need be a quality thing not a quantity thing, right? Write when you have something to say (hmmm... could be a recipe for blankness.)
Chip Kidd's book,"The Cheese Monkeys" proves that artists can write - especially when you are Chip Kidd.
Joe Lansdale's new book is STILL not out.
I haven't written a new word of fiction in weeks (sigh).
Fall, along with hope, springs eternal.
Adrian Tomine's graphic novel Shortcomings has got me thinking about doing a graphic novel (something I never thought I'd do).
Stephen King is a helluva good storyteller (Green Mile was on last night - I'd forgot how great it was).
This weekend is the Regina Folk Fest - way more exciting than you might think.
Go read something..something good...I suggest the Cheese Monkeys.
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