I have been reading The Great Emergence by Phyllis Tickle, and it is quite wonderful. Ms. Tickle writes beautifully, is brilliant and just happens to have the last two thousand years of history in her head (or so it would seem.)
I usually shout about fiction at this site, and I've been reading a lot of that, too. But lately I find myself immersed in history, not just church history (as Tickle's subhead may imply), but all the ways we have been changing these last decades and centuries.
I loved science in high school, especially physics, as it explained how the world worked (or tried to). I still remember the day our teacher started filling boards with equations, a lot of equations. And our 17 or 18 year old brains were able to take a lot of it in - he was a great teacher. On the last board he wrote E = MC2
You could hear the "ohhhh" throughout the class.
Reading about Einstein's Special Theorey on Relativilty and then his General Theorey on Relativity and how it forever changed our understanding of the world, and not just the science world, is making me relive that "ohhhh" experience all over.
Whether you have a faith or not - I highly recommend Tickle's book.
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