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  • Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    by Craig Terlson

    A collection of short stories where the humour runs dark and the slipstream bubbles up.


    ...imagine if Raymond Carver called up George Saunders and Joe Lansdale, and they all went drinking with Neil Gaiman.

  • Correction Line
    Correction Line
    by Craig Terlson

    “… it's clear that Terlson is way ahead of the curve in terms of crafting an engaging premise that reaches for elevated territory and reinvents enduring archetypes of action and suspense.”  J. Schoenfelder

    "Sometimes brutal, often demanding and always complex, this novel will repay the reader who likes their assumptions challenged and is happy to walk away from a book with minor questions unanswered but the big ones definitely dealt with! It’s likely to satisfy those who enjoy Hammet and/or Philip K Dick and who like their fiction very noir indeed."   Kay Sexton


    "I love a novel that you can't put down, and this is one of them."  L. Cihlar

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Zoupe do jooer

I've waxed eloquent about my foodie tendencies before (uber fan of Ramsay and Batali) - but yesterday I had one of the most amazing Bouillabaisses of my life. And in my own hometown!

Bistro 7 1/14 is a place that even Gordon Ramsay would love. Okay, maybe that's going a bit too far. But the quality of food, the great atmosphere and wine...oh, the wine... well lets just say it was just short of an orgasmic experience.

The pic above, snapped seconds before I devoured (well, savoured actually) a mixture of lobster tail, mussels, fish and perfectly balanced broth.

If you ever find yourself in Winnipeg (maybe ask yourself, why?) but then book a table at Bistro 7 1/4 - 725 Osborne... hence the name.

Reader Comments (2)

When you write posts like this, I feel like I have a tongue made of clay. If I sprinkle Mrs. Dash (or is it Miss? Ms?) on a chicken breast, I'm visiting rarefied heights. As for wine, I've never learned to distinguish between good and bad, though I enjoy the occasional glass of grape juice.

March 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermark heath

mmmmm...grape juice. fine vintage of Welches unsweetened please. Tell you what, one of these days I'll go down there and cook for you.
A promise not a threat.

March 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercraig

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