Corn Sex

Okay - I know the above heading is going to generate some really weird traffic here at woofreakinhoo. But just to show you that I read all sorts of weird stuff...
The Omnivore’s Dilemma is a book full of the horrors of the feed lot, the chemicals pumped into our food stuff, the petroleum journey our salads go on to reach our plates, and yes, corn sex.
I've read Pollan before and I really admire how he writes about Food Justice issues. True, it may make you never want to eat a Chicken Nugget again (not a bad thing) but I highly recommend this book, or any book by Pollan. He writes about important stuff - not that writing about Bordersnakes and Mexican Drug wars are not important, just in a different, um..way. Oh screw it. That stuff is just fun. Pollan writes about stuff that is an important as hell. Like how the processed foods we are ingesting are killing us - and he is not afraid to lay out the truth, but often with humour, and lots of cool facts (like how corn has sex).
Put down that six pack of nuggets and go read it.
I always remember Jay Leno being on a Letterman a long time ago and talking about if a live chicken ever came face to face with a nugget he'd say,
"I see nothing that offends me here."
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