My bedside stack

I am constantly working on lessening the stack of books on my bedside, and of course like any good book addict, I am constantly adding to it.
Just finished Donald Pollack's Knockemstiff - and still unsure whether I liked it or not.
Working on reading Richard Ford's Rock Springs (yes, again and again). Finished Lansdale's Bad Chili a while back and came across his Mad Dog Summer short story collection (haven't started - though the review I linked to doesn't think much of it.).
Reading through the AMAZING BASS (Best Amercian Short Stories) from 1986, edited by Raymond Carver. Full of brilliance.
And lots of craft books as always - including How Fiction Works by James Wood. There is something beautiful in this book, even the way it fits in your hand. I want to savour it.
Adding to the stack is Barry Hannah's Airships - a recent discovery that I can't wait to dive into. And on their way our a few books for this years bookclub - including Atwood's new one, Year of the Flood.
Someday I will catch up to the stack. But probably not.
Can you will your unread books to family members? To read them I mean.
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