Folking Summer
Missed out on the Winnipeg Folk Fest this year (had a pretty good excuse, my daughter got married) - but I am off to that other great prairie fest in Regina.
This year's line up is full of greatness, as usual, but the highlight for me will be John Prine. I've never seen him live, and I heard he can be hit and miss (as in sober or not).
I'm taking some good reading along for the ride, and when things get quiet, slow, or John starts slurring. After much resistance, I picked up The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Well, not that much resistance, but I am kind of wary of books that go viral. So far, nothing has struck me - though, I am early in the book. But I have to say that I leaned in when they started describing the titular character.
Some other quite amazing news is in the wings. But I am not saying anything just yet.
Off to folk it up.
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