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  • Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    Ethical Aspects of Animal Husbandry
    by Craig Terlson

    A collection of short stories where the humour runs dark and the slipstream bubbles up.


    ...imagine if Raymond Carver called up George Saunders and Joe Lansdale, and they all went drinking with Neil Gaiman.

  • Correction Line
    Correction Line
    by Craig Terlson

    “… it's clear that Terlson is way ahead of the curve in terms of crafting an engaging premise that reaches for elevated territory and reinvents enduring archetypes of action and suspense.”  J. Schoenfelder

    "Sometimes brutal, often demanding and always complex, this novel will repay the reader who likes their assumptions challenged and is happy to walk away from a book with minor questions unanswered but the big ones definitely dealt with! It’s likely to satisfy those who enjoy Hammet and/or Philip K Dick and who like their fiction very noir indeed."   Kay Sexton


    "I love a novel that you can't put down, and this is one of them."  L. Cihlar

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Night Birds

I am in the midst of writing my new novel (and loving working on it) - but it occurred to me that I don't write short things anymore, or I haven't for some time. Short fiction taught me a lot about the craft, and I still admire it a lot. Reminder to self: pick up latest BASS.

Working on what Henry James called the "big baggy monster" you can get lost in the wonderful maze of storytelling, but maybe forget a bit about language; not entirely though, as some gems always seem to emerge. But it is focusing on the beauty of words that makes fiction sing. I don't write poetry, or I haven't for years - the closest I get is what is known as flash fiction. I am a prose guy - love the story, love the form.

But there was a online magazine, a well respected one that I really wanted to be in. So I submitted many stories, all of them rejected. I have had rejections before (and I continue to gather them), but I thought hard as to what was missing from these short short stories (the magazine is known for flash fiction).

Telling a story in a very few words is a deep challenge. Hemingway's famous six worder (For sale: baby shoes, never worn.) is full of story within stories, or the possibility of story. Incidentally, Papa H. called it his best work - but he talked like that. For me, I knew a story, or perhaps the capturing of a moment that I wanted to tell. It is like taking a photograph, or maybe making a film, where you capture all the senses.

I worked my language ass off (!) on a short little piece called "Night Birds." I felt it caught something I really wanted to evoke. I sent it off to Smokelong Quarterly (the mag I have been trying to get into) and it was accepted.

Later that year, Night Birds was named one of the top 50 short fictions of 2008.

Lesson learned. Language matters a lot.

Please visit Smokelong to read the story and the interview. Or just think about words and create your own.

Night Birds at Smokelong

Interview with me about the story

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