So whattya reading huh?
Always lots of books on my bedside - currently I am deep into Isabel Allende's Island Beneath the Sea. I am enjoying reading what feels like familiar territory. I used to read a lot of South American fiction, notably Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This book seems placed in that genre, with a bit of Graham Greene thrown in (probably because it reminds me of The Comedians, also set in Haiti).
And then there is the stack I am always trying to get to: Anne Lamott's Plan B - which I am enjoying my wife reading in bed and laughing out loud.
There is the rare and weird Lansdale book - Flaming Zeppelins - where my fave author tackles some steampunk.
I also have a writing craft book on the go (as I always do) - this one: Thanks, But This Isn't For Us, by Jennifer Morrell - I am really liking her style. There is not new information in it, but some good reminders of why books get rejected. I love her subtitle: A sort of compassionate guide to why your writing is being rejected.
The "sort of" eludes to her sense of humour. My work hasn't "all" been rejected - but as a writer, I get more than my share.
So how about you dear woofreakinhoo reader - what have you got on the go? Feel free to share.
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