LSD on Campus
Well, being that the only comment I got on my Change post was a spam (hey, anyone wanna buy a watch?), it might be that the change, or shifting of woofreakinhoo will garner any notice. If a blog dies in the forest, well, you know the rest.
But no worries - I am deep into revising my new novel, and loving it. It is one of those times where the adage, "write what you know" changes to "write what you want to know" - recent craft books lean toward the latter much more than the former.
And what do I want to know? Well, the history of LSD of course. There is a fascinating history to this drug, one with great characters, intrigue and conspiracy. Sounds like a novel idea - um, yep.
THe photo above is a great book my son found me (pays to have kids working in used bookstores). Written in 1966, the year LSD became illegal in the U.S., it is a remarkably measured look at the history, usage, and science behind LSD. It is full of quotes from Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley and Dr. Humphrey Osmond.
Keeping this under wraps, but the hope is the manuscript is ready for September.
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