Well now what?
After a weekend of celebration - well, cool beverages and hot temps anyhow - I am restless to begin again. Now, I do know that if the current manuscript sells, that it is only the beginning of rewrites. Still, I am left wondering which of my projects to pursue next.
I think I am growing more patient as a writer. When first met with the idea of starting another novel (after I finished Correction Line), it seemed like too huge a climb. I am guy who likes things off his desk in a few weeks. But I think I am starting to get it, and even like it. By "it", I mean the long narrative. I plan to knock around a bit with some short fiction things I have burbling - but I know already that I will be starting another novel soon. Fall in One Day (my current novel) took between 2 and 3 years, depending on how I look at it. That was a lot less time than the first one (almost 10 years - though, I was learning how to write, and re-write, and re-write some more).
If the trend continues I should be able to knock one off in 6 months, or better, 6 weeks (yeah right).
As always: stay tuned.
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