Flotsam and Jetsam

Lots of bits floating around in my head these days - including, hey, about time for a blog post buddy. Reading some great books (George Saunders new one!!!), entered Correction Line in the Amazon Breakthrough contest (see post below), and generally just busy as hell.
Seems like a period of waiting for me. I am very curious to see if Correction Line makes it through the first round, the finalists are announced Feb. 13 - and you can bet I will be shouting about that here (win or lose). I'm trying to find time to work my way back into the world of Bent Highway. I don't want to leave M drifting for too long - or Harold on the loose either. I am hoping that things will settle down a bit in the next month, way too many transitions in my life right now (and I don't want to bore woofreakinhoo readers with the details.)
Lot of percolating ideas for stories, short and long. I started one a while back about a graphic designer who lost his job and meets a strange woman at the Toronto Reference Library - no this is not based on real life. Also toying with a hero going down to Mexico type tale. I say hero, because I think I've written a lot of pages where the lead characters are not very heroic. Sometimes I get the urge to create just a whup ass and take names sort of protag. But of course he is sensitive, and has problems.
Next week I am headed to a cabin with a stack of books, and my laptop. The idea is to balance the day with reading and writing - then some really good wine by the fire. Something is bound to drift out of my head and onto the page.
Stay tuned for the Amazon results.
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