So what's up next...
As I get closer to having an actual paper copy of Surf City Acid Drop, I am planning my next projects. One of them being that treadmill that I love hate but mostly hate - why isn't there an exercise pill? We can put people on the moon and freeze dry just about anything, but we can't make a pill that gives you the benefit of running?
(Available in handy 2, 4, and 8 mile dosages.)
I digress.
Of course there is going to be another Luke Fischer in the works - and if you pick up the paperback of Surf City, you will find a nifty surprise about that in the back of the book.
The next big big project though is a reworking of a novel I've been working on a long time. I finally undid the chain on my wallet and hired a freelance editor to help me restructure, rework, re-imagine (really anything with a re- ) this novel.
There's no 70's neo noir detectives in this one, nor even one surf board - but there is that 70's vibe. I've talked about it at the blog before, and it's got a bit of Watergate, Acid (the LSD kind), and a thirteen-year-old at the centre. It does take place in 1973 (hence the Watergate bit), and there is still music, always music. My novels usually have a soundtrack, if only in my mind, and this one is all about Steely Dan. At one point in the drafting and editing (the first couple of rounds), I designated each chapter with a different Steely Dan tune.
OK, kinda geeky, but there you have it.
So stay tuned for news on the Surf City paperback. I am viewing proofs this week. And be sure to follow me on twitter (cterlson) for other news and random things that spring from my brain.
Do brains have springs?
Digressing again.
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