Trying to really dig into my new novel - the one I am writing, not the several that I am reading. I do a lot of different things, so I can get into a weird sort of procrastination. It's not like I am doing nothing, I am often doing too much. I am guessing a lot of us have this problem. Those who write are always coming in contact with those who talk about writing (oh yeah, I've got an idea for a book, I just need to find the time to put it down on paper, or the computer screen, or the toilet, or where ever).
I even play this game with myself. Yeah. I've got a book in me (actually quite a few books), I just need to.. and here, before I even say it, I want to slap myself in the head, hard, and say - okay, so please stop talking about it and just write the fucking thing.
Now, of course, you do need that mysterious alchemy-like sixth element (cuz you know they found the fifth one): goes by the name of in-spy-ration. I think here you have two choices. Read a really good book (almost anything by Don DeLillo for example), and say, Holy Crap, I could never possibly write something that good, but in an homage to the greatness of the English language, I will give it a shot.
Or you can read a piece of crap (don't get me started), and say, Geez Louize, I could write something better than that.
I use both techniques. Sorry, Steig Larsson fans, but I found that first book kinda crappy.
Better, I should listen to Anne Lamott, who definitely falls into the "amazing writer" category. And just shut off the damn twitter and write.
And she's right.
Read her article - then go write - right now.
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