Feeding the literary monkey
Hitting the road, or the sky I guess, and going to Vancouver for the weekend. No, this is not my usual jetsetting lifestyle - a big trip for me is usually leaving the house, and walking down to the local coffeeshop. Back in the day, whenever the hell that was, I got out a lot more. Living in Toronto I was often going to meetings, taking lunch in Chinatown, going to galleries or just perusing the tons of great bookstores (then) in the city.
I am still a huge fan of the great bookstore. I say "then" because on a recent trip to Toronto (hmmm, maybe I do get out more than I think), I was sad to discover a few of the best had disappeared. Most notably was the fantastic - Pages - on Queen Street West. What the hell happened? Sadly, I know the answer to that. People, and I am one of them, buying more books online or the big box stores.
This is a conundrum for a artist/writer/teacher/designer guy like me. Having those different paths in my life doesn't mean I make a whack of dough - I am successful simply by surviving as a self-employed artist for 25 years. And I gotta feed my addictions.
1. Coffee. Not too bad, I ration myself the odd triple-tall Americano, but mostly just make a good strong brew with fresh fresh fresh beans at home.
2. Music. Um, do I admit that I download from time to time? Still, I have a studio full of CD's and even Cassette tapes (!) to prove my supporting of the music biz all these years. And if I hear something online that I love, I still go and buy the CD.
3. Books. Here's the rub. I love me the used book stores, and I love me (even more) the deals at Amazon, Chapters or Barnes and Noble. I have not got into the whole electronic reader thing (though if someone wanted to give me an ipad, I am not about to say no). I still buy a lot of books - more than your average Joe or Jane I think. But I also know that my buying at these places hurt the independent book stores. But again, going back to an earlier point - I don't make that much money!
So I guess all I am saying is those of you who are pulling in the big bucks - step away from that computer screen and head down to your local independent store. Damn, as I write this, I know I have to challenge myself to do the same. If I scale back on the other addiction, not mentioned here (okay it's good wine and decent scotch), maybe I can feed that literary monkey on my back a better quality of book. One served by a small, yet passionate bookseller, who got into the biz for the same reason I write - because we just love books so damn much.
Anyway - this was supposed to be about going to Vancouver and how I don't get out much. Oh well.
Go buy a f*&#ing book right now. You heard me!
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