The Art of the Cover
A friend told me recently that it was a nice plan I had working at a career in illustration and design for a couple of decades... all in preparation for when I my own book cover to design.
Well, I guess Chip Kidd was way ahead of me on that one.
But, yeah, it did come in handy.
Interesting thing... I have designed covers for other people, or illustrated a book review, but did I ever really get the feel of the book they had written? I should damn well know what my book is about, shouldn't I?
I have had cover ideas over the years I wrote Correction Line. I know the feeling I am going for - but as I tell my illustration students, sometimes there is a gap between the image you have in your head and the one you put on the paper.
Over time, that gap does shrink. I think I know what the cover will look like. Here on woofreakinghoo, I am going to put up a few drawings of the cover in progress.
Starting with the roughs on my desk (shown above).
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