Okay, well that didn't work

I have an image recollection in my mind of art directors, editors and other creative type staring at some contact sheets of book covers (or maybe, magazine covers). It's one of those images that I don't know if I actually saw, or I put it together in my head from a lot of images like that (both static and in film.)
The creative types are looking at the plethora of covers, trying to decided which one works. And I am going, c'mon, how hard can it be? Just pick one already.
Well, I was wrong. It is hard. Damn hard.
I had an image in my head for the cover of Correction Line. I was going for an atmospheric feel, hazy, dreamy and foreboding. A car on a road, entering a curve, headlights shooting off the road - and the car looking like it might not make the turn.
I drew it up, then completed the illustration in chalk pastel - a medium that would give me that hazy/dreamy/foreboding look.
I ended up liking the illustration - but not as a cover. It just doesn't work. It feels old, and well, just too damn hazy. What was I thinking there?
So I am back with those creative types studying the contact sheets, and searching for another direction.
Stay tuned.
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